Welcome to Water Server, your favourite file storage and website hosting service. Here at Aqua incorparated your file security is our top concern, and as such your files are securly guarded by our top security expert Ryan. Even critics have rated Water Servers security with a whopping 12/10 (Hummas Server could only dream of a rating above 5/10). This website is still in development so there may be some bugs but it is fully functional.

Whats new?

  • File delete option


  • File/folder renaming

  • New home page picture every day

  • New homepage picture every day

Meet our top donor, Carlitos J. Rattlesnake; big shot casino owner from Texas with significant earnings. Check out his live feeds here

Did you know theres a new favourite game. Its called Catto Pew Pew. Its a banger of a game which despite its many loyal players is still in development. So you should go and blast your friends into the horizon in this chaotic arena shooter!